Annalise Toberman London Investor Show

Patrick Reid

Co-Founder, Adamis Principle

Patrick Reid is a veteran trader with over 15 years experience. He has traded Derivatives at the biggest prop desk in the world. From government debt to equities then FX Futures. This led to Patrick being head-hunted into a New York hedge fund (Edgewater Markets) where he traded the mighty Spot FX. He is now Co-founder of Adamis Principle and heads up the mentoring and education arm. Adamis help clients make sense of macro, understand risk and ultimately sharpen your trading edge.

  • Visiting lecturer in 2021 at the University of Cambridge - macro-economics
  • Currency expert with 15 years experience in Futures and Spot FX
  • Weekly contributor to The Investing Channel - see link
  • Co-founder of Adamis Principle, mentoring traders at all levels

Where to see?

Join Patrick for his session in TradeCentral at 11:55am, "When to short king USD".

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